
How do you make a Virgo realize that he's in love with you?

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I know that a Virgo would rather do stuff for you to show that they care for you than to actually come out and say the words. I know a Virgo who cares for me a lot, such as bring me lunch when I'm busy working to make sure I eat on time to avoid an ulcer, but how can I make him realize that he is in love with me. I feel like he is in denial sometimes. Somethings he does for me are so caring that I can't imagine he would go out of his way to do that just for an ordinary co-worker or acquaintance that he doesn't at least have feelings for or is in love with. What can I do to make him realize that he has fallen in love with me already?




  1. He wouldn't be doing all those things for you if he wasn't in love with you already.

    You have to confront him.  Tell him that you really care about him.  Tell him you want to be more than just friends.  Wait a bit.  Ask him out.  Go slow.  Try to hold his hand.  Virgos don't like to be rushed into first-kisses.  Just start hugging him and hold his hand.  Kiss him softly on the lips when the time is right.  :)  

    I'm happy for you guys.  Good luck!

  2. you can't. they are so sensitive! I just divorced my ex wife of 7 years. One reason being she just didn't express herself. She was a great wife and took care of me, but just not the wife for me-maybe for someone else, but not me. We never argued ONCE. not ever. she told me she wanted to keep peace if there was any misunderstanding at any time. As you know, Virgos will take forever to make a decision. They will make sure all their ducks are in a row before they make any moves. i'm a Taurus, I just couldn't force her to see the things she was doing, to steer her in a way(no pun intended). I dunno, at some point, if it's too much drama, leave it be. People will do what ever they want to do...according to the stars or their own mind... i hope things work out for you. Stay up!

  3. I believe he knows he is in love with you. That why the gestures he is doing. With you accepting everything that he has does, you are slowly acknowledging the fact that you and that person is a couple, already.

    Being an earth signs, expressing emotions would be generally difficult for them. I guess if you do fancy them and wish to make the relationship worked, then you just have to accept their way of living.

  4. as far as your edit goes--that's men in general. They think that if you tell them a problem, they ASSUME you are asking for help to solve it.

    I was watching your first part of the question--I am with a virgo that does the same thing and I was wondering, myself!

    I'm a cap, btw

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