
How do you make a ball jump in pool?

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I have just bought a jump/break cue for American Pool and have been trying to make the cue ball jump. I know it will take a lot of practice but does anyone have any tips?




  1. Watch these:

    Read this:

    Email me if you have more questions.  But yeah, elevate and hit down.  Aim for the center of the cue ball or just below, and concentrate on getting maximum velocity on contact.

  2. sneak up behind it and go "BOO!"

  3. keep your back hand at 45 degrees and strike the ball at the bottom

  4. Steep angle, hard down stroke, you want to transfer enegy into the spin of the ball,making it spin radically counter clockwise which will result in it lifting itself away from the surface of the table.hitting it low and allowing the tip of the cue to contact the table  to pop the ball upwards isnt allowed and can seriously damage the felt,your cue and probably your head if the owner see what you did to his simonus(sp).

  5. cue low


  7. Hit the cue ball with your jump stick at a very steep angle, 60 degrees or so and hit it with a short but very powerful stroke, like a stab, forcing the ball into the nap and then it'll rise and 'jump'

  8. Strike the ball low instead of in the center.

  9. Go with the ones that say hit down on the ball that low hit scoop c**p will get you laughed out of any pool room in the country  

    Try this sight its all there Dont care for the good doctor but the vids are ok lots of pool And inst

    Once you learn the right way practice both  grips the over hand is for power the dart stroke is for a simple jump

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