
How do you make a blocked nose better?

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1.a blocked nose nt sound so blocked

2. how do u make it so u don't get sensitive around your nose




  1. Try a netti pot.  I know it seems gross and in a way kinda is, but it flushes everything out and clears it up.

    Also, try lotion Kleenix, and put vaseline around your nose, that will hela the chapped skin RIGHT away, you'll see a difference in a day.

  2. A netti pot or a sinus rinse - it is so great - I use a sinus rinse twice a day because of allergies, and I used to get terrible sinus infections like once a month - now I don't get them at all.

    The sinus rinse is on the top of the page, scroll down for the netti pot.  You can get either at most drug stores.

    I also only use Puffs Plus with lotion tissues - other tissues just rip my nose up.

  3. Sinus rinse.... :)

  4. eat some wasabi

  5. Buy Vicks Inhaler  

  6. Blow your nose and put moisturizer on your nose so it doesn't get red and flaky.  

  7. Noses tend to feel blocked because of swelling of the blood vessels inside.  Try a Vicks inhaler, Olbas oil or Tiger balm.  Continuously blowing your nose will not make it any better.

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