
How do you make a bully go away?

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My cousin, Angel, is eight years old.

There's this guy in her class who keeps physically bullying her.

How can she stand up for herself?




  1. 2 words...

    Nut Shot

  2. this is a last resort thing. if this bullying continues and you cannot find a way to stop it i suggest thinking about pulling her out of that school. they could home school her. if you are thinking about this then let the principle know as kids pulling out of school is a major threat to the principle.

    once again only think about this if you have tried everything you can think of. sometimes it may also help to go and speak to the bully's parents.

  3. If it persists and the teachers do nothing, get the principal involved. If still nothing call the bully's parents. If it continues, teach her how to defend herself and where to kick to get him to leave her alone. I remember that working really well on the playground. Here's another alternative. A parent/guardian or other adult accompany her to school so the bully has no chance. Do it for a week or so. That's all I can think of though.

  4. She needs to tell the teacher. Otherwise punch him in the face or where the sun dont shine

  5. I had this problem growing up. Give her some encouragement.

    If he comes up to her she can just completely ignore him.

    If he hits or punches her tell her to kick the c**p out of him because it's self defense. Or just tell the teacher or Principal

    Even better advice call the bully's parents.

  6. have her punch him in the nose as hard as she can.

  7. I would suggest going to the Principal and if no one is gonna stand up then she needs to kick him in the nuts and then maybe he will think twice.

  8. My 6 year old is has been bullied in the past few weeks at her daycare by a couple of boys - cornering her at the same time -ganging up on her! I told me daughter that she has to let her teacher know about it when it happens. Immediately after my daughter told me, I talked to the director of the daycare. I also told her that I told my daughter that they next time it happens that I have given her permission to defend herself! I told her that once they start hitting her again and once she tells them and and they still so not stop - wail on them! Since telling the director, there has not been any further incidences.

  9. If the teacher won't do anything about what the kid tells em about her being bullied well, maybe she'll do something about it if the parents come with her to talk to the teacher. Actually, no, the principal. She's the one in charge. Make sure your aunt and uncle know about this, they will kick the teacher's *** for not doing anything about it!!

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