
How do you make a decision in a situation where everyone is gonna lose no matter which way it goes?

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How do you make a decision in a situation where everyone is gonna lose no matter which way it goes?




  1. the question is between fate and karma.  a tragic protagonist also takes decisions, the usual decisions, though that can lead to tragedy. one need to wade against the cureent sometimes.  normal human beings look towards cosmic interference from and pray to God. Every which way but to lose is a concept as equal as there is always one way towards success.  A person who finds that one best way at the outset is the one who wins a Game of Chess. If we look at win and lose at short time perpective it shall seem win and lose, at the larger canvas to lose is also win.      

  2. Look at the situation again.  Better yet, have an outsider (someone not affected by the decision) analyze and assess the situation.  Maybe there is something you are missing.  See if you can do anything to limit the damage the decision may cause or some way to help others prepare for and cope with the outcome.  Other than that, I guess you just have to do it.

  3. I don't know the details of course, but if it were a situation I could not avoid I would weigh my options, ask for guidance, then just do the best I could & try to come up with the lest damaging of my options. I have been in management positions where I have had to do the same thing & hated it, so I got out of the position. I just had no stomach for it.

    Good luck & blessings!

  4. This is a difficult question...

    I think if it were a situation where everyone is going to lose, I would first take a step back before doing anything else, and check to see if I have a strong "inclination or instinct" toward a decision.  If I do, that is the

    way I would go because I trust my intuition even when it may not seem logical, and I believe that we normally should.

    If not, then I would make myself a list with every possible outcome, no matter how implausible.  See if there is anyway to bring any additional options or alternatives into the scenario.

    If I come up with nothing still, I'd probably run the situation by a couple of people who think very differently than I do, just to see if their perspective brings something that I may have never noticed or considered.

    If that leaves me in the same state, and I have to be the one to make the decision, I would analyze the forseeable losses.  Evaluate the severity, the impact, the length of time that it would be felt, etc.

    From there, I would try to evaluate to the best of my ability the character, strength, and resources of those impacted.

    Finally, I would consider responsibility and involvement level of those impacted.

    Did someone in the mix make a decision or take an action that caused the situation? for example- they would have a greater degree of culpability than an innocent bystander who ended up in the mix due to the behavior of another.

    Do some of the parties involved have greater resilience and emotional strength than others?  Do some have greater resources or a stronger support system and network?

    Hopefully something will give me some insight to make the decision logical, and the best possible under the given circumstances, even if not ideal.

    Finally, if none of these things gives me any clarity of direction, I will simply close my eyes, clear my mind, and run the situation through my thoughts...Phrase the question, and the first answer that comes to me is the one I will use.  

  5. I'll go with my instinct

  6. Choose whichever does the least harm, and whichever is morally the best.

  7. Every decision is part right  and part wrong. The catch is you have to stick with your decision.

  8. Do what your heart tells you.  

  9. Before you make the decision you need to go  back and look at the situation. Something was obviously overlooked and missed. Situations where there are no positive outcomes are VERY rare, indeed. If, after a thorough review of the situation there still seems to be no obvious solution then there are two things that one can do:

    1. Abdicate the decision and assign the solution to ALL of those who will be affected.

    2. Make the selection based on what will cause the least amount of damage.

    There is an alternative solution as well: go for a total upset of the status quo and make the decision on what will cause the MOST amount of change in the original situation and begin with a total housecleaning.

    Brightest Blessings,

    Raji the Green Witch

  10. The same way you make every other decision, you do what is best for you.

  11. I am such a compassionate person, and I know if I had to make such a tough decision I would do a number of things.  If given a little bit of time I would pray about it in bed, at night before I sleep. This way perhaps answers or scenarios will come to me in my sub conscious mind.  And when I wake I know I will have the answer I need.  But as far as how to make the decision - as I mentioned, I am a compassionate person, and would make the lesser of two evils decision.  Obviously there is no great way to go, but I would try and pick the option that would cause less pain or stress on the parties involved.  

    In any case, in situations like these... you have to know that even though there is no good decision to make, there must be something to learn and gain from this situation.  You need to realize that you will walk away a stronger person, and more prepared in your life for something similar.  So, don't enter and face this situation with such anger and regret. Keep an open mind, and know that only better things are to come.

    Thanks for reading!  

  12. no matter which way it goes???then it should not matter,,,,its an easy decision!!!

  13. You do whats right.  

  14. GO RAJI. Vive la Revolucion!!!

  15. "first, do no harm."

  16. In this case..... nothing.......I would just let it happen.

    Just my opinion!!!  Please do not shoot me+

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