
How do you make a good myspace (For a begginer)?

by Guest45389  |  earlier

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Ok, people have been bugging me for ages to make a myspace so that they can go on it and I suppose read about me for some strange reason. After a few months I finally decided that ok I would make one, butt how can I make a good one? Any tips? :)




  1. Well, you can make a good myspace by filling out most of the sections. For example, in your "About Me" section, put some of your interests and hobbies, so people will know  a little bit about you. In the "Music", "Movies", "Television", and "Heroes" section, also write what you like and who inspired you. Just dont make it too long, because then people have to scroll down a lot to get to the bottom, and chances are they won't be able to read EVERYTHING.

    Also, get a cool layout that nobody else has yet!

  2. once you have made it you should go to to find a good background and graphics to add to profile once you have copied the code for something go to your page go to put the mouse of profile and click  edit profile paste it to a blank spot on wat the code went to with show on your page.

    but in eah slot watever it says write wat is say that is about you

  3. check out sites like they have great graphics and backgrounds

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