
How do you make a good overhand serve in Volleyball??

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I need to know how to make a perfect overhand serve! My team requires it and i seem to have dissailitys in that area! : )




  1. Just keep practicing. :) You'll get it!

  2. You say you want to know "how to make a perfect overhand serve." First, remember that the "perfect overhand serve" is the overhand serve that goes in the opposition’s court. It is NOT the overhand serve that is an Ace!

    My advice? Read the posts above (EXCEPT Mrs. Ronaldo, vballqt9, and passion who don't know what they are talking about). There is lots of good info / advice there. Too much info, in fact, to think about when you’re actually trying to serve. So read it all, analyse it, think hard about it, soak it up, but before you go to practice it, simplify it down to three or four short n sweet phases. Each phrase should only have three or four words Then you then memorise it.

    Below I’ve given you the 4 step mantra I use for serving. I’ve got a pretty good serve, but I still use this mantra, because it ensures I get the basics right, thus giving me the confidence to do other things with the serve (e.g. aiming for near the line, giving it some top-spin, or aiming for a weaker passer).

    Note that there are two parts to it. Steps 1 and 2 are about preparation (very important) , and steps 3 & 4 are about actually doing it.

    This all assumes you are right handed. Reverse the left and right bits if you're a lefty.

    1. Think "Bow and Arrow"

    2. Left foot forward

    3. Throw up, straight and smooth

    4. Release the "arrow"

    In more detail...

    1. Think "Bow and Arrow"

    Read the "bow and arrow" comment from "Happy." Think about it as if you're going to release an arrow from a bow. It happens very quickly... so you need to plan it carefully, and then release the arrow when *you* are ready.

    2. Left foot forward

    You do this because it allows you to twist your body when you "release the arrow" to give you more power. See below.

    3. Throw the ball up, straight and with a smooth action. The throw is just as important as the hit, so don't rush it. Look at the ball and nothing else.

    3.1 Start with the ball on your left palm, with your palm facing upwards. Look at the ball.

    3.2 Make a smooth motion straight upward with your left hand, keeping the palm facing upwards, and keep looking at the ball. It should be a smooth enough action that the ball doesn't spin much, if at all. It should be straight enough that the ball goes straight up, not moving forward or backward or to the left or the right (until you get really good at it and want something more advanced). Keep looking at the ball.

    3.3 When your throwing arm nearly reaches its full extension, slow the upward movement of your arm, allowing the ball to rise up from your hand…   …so in a way, you’re not really “throwing” the ball at all, but simply *allowing* the ball to rise off your hand with the momentum you gave it. Keep looking at the ball.

    3.4 After allowing the ball to rise from your hand, leave your left hand/arm up there until just before you "release the arrow” (step four). You should be able to see your left hand (even though you’re watching the ball). Keep looking at the ball.

    3.5 Did I mention that you must be looking at the ball at all times??  ÃƒÂ¯Ã‚ÂŠ If you want to look at the opposition, do so before step two (left foot forwards), then start looking at the ball, and don’t stop looking at the ball until after you’ve hit it in step four.

    When learning, practice the throw 50 times before you try to hit the ball.

    4. Release the "arrow" This entire step takes about half a second.

    4.1 You started with your left foot forward, so your body was facing to the right of court. Now you must turn your body from right to left, such that you end up with your hips and shoulders facing the net, or slightly to the left of the net. Start with your feet, ankles, knees, hips, abs, and finish with your shoulders as you strike the ball. Pull your left hand down to help with this. Your left hand should be nearly all the way down by the time you hit the ball, and finish up behind your left thigh.

    4.2 Remember the bow and arrow? Back at step 3.1 you should also have “****** the bow” by getting your right arm wound up like a spring, ready to unleash your palm on the ball.

    4.4 It’s all about “timing”. When the twisting motion you started in step 4.1 has your hips and shoulders facing the direction you want to hit the ball (about parallel with the net) is the time to strike the ball, release that arrow… release that spring-loaded right arm. You shouldn’t feel like you’re trying to “push” the ball forward. Your elbow shouldn’t be below your shoulder at any time.

    4.5 Strike the ball with your palm of the hand. You fingers should be separated, not together.

    4.6 Do NOT follow through with your arm; that is, do not bring your right arm down in front of you as part of the action of hitting the ball. Even after hitting the ball your right elbow should be at the same level as your right shoulder. Remember the bow and arrow.

    (Note that this is the opposite of a spike. For a spike, you SHOULD follow through and your right hand should end up near your left hip/thigh, somehow missing the net on the way through).

    Practice lots. And I mean lots!!! You don't need a net or a court, all you need is a ball and a wall (so that you don't have to chase the ball every time you hit it).

    Start off just practicing the throw. Then move to the throw and hitting, but don’t use much power. Only use enough power to get the ball to land about your own height in front of your feet. Get the timing right first…  

    Then when you’ve got the timing right and you’re hitting the ball consistently, add a little more power, then a bit more, then if you’re still hitting consistently, add a little a bit more power, until eventually the ball will make it to the net, and then a bit more power, so that it may even go over the net!!!

  3. by hitting it right on the palm of your hand with power. and practice.

  4. If your a righty then Ill tell you how to do it cuz im a righty. Start like your going to shoot a bow and arrow. Then throw the ball up high with your left hand then smack it across the net.

  5. practice makes perfect.

  6. Im 16 and Ive been playing volleyball for over 7 years now

    im on my school varsity team, summer teams, ive made two jr olympic teams, played with some college players, and ive made the local newspapers for my aces (i only say this- not to be cocky- but so i am credible for the information). here are some tips:

    1) dont hit it with your wrist.

    you will have no direction-instead it is best to hit it with an open, flat, and straight/firm hand- NOT A FIST! if you hit it with your fist the ball will hit your knuckles and you wont have a clue where it will go.

    2) if youre right handed (do the opp. if youre a lefty)

    put the ball in your left hand with your left arm extended straight. use your legs! it is like softball- you can get a lot of power from them.  bend your knees and toss the ball while coming up (make sure its not too high-the ball will go out- or low- the ball will hit the net-. you have to practice a lot to find your perfect toss).  while the ball is in the air, take a step with your left foot (the direction your foot is pointing will most likely be the direction your serve will go).  use your right shoulder (remember if youre a righty) as a sling-shot by bringing your right elbow and arm (at a 90 degree angle) back and then put your hand up and hitting the ball- make sure to flick your wrist down while hitting- this will almost ensure an ace as it will go right over the net and down.

    3) after you hit the ball, you want to pretend- i know this is a horrrrrriibbllleee metaphor and im sorry if it offends anyone, its just the easiest reference- like your hitler by his salute.  you want to stop your arm when it is straight at about a 45 degree angle from your shoulder. this will ensure your serve will not go in the air or into the net.

    4) If you want to placement serve, just square your body up to your target with your shoulders and the rest of your body following.  dont forget where your foot is pointing- that is most likely where it will go, if youre a structured server.

    5) have confidence and strength- if it helps, get mad before a serve by thinking about something that really upsets you, just dont think about it any other time.

    have fun and good luck:)

  7. never want to toss it too high!

    only about 1 1/2 ft. in the air or lower!

    taking a step usually helps! :P

    when just learning, you never want to use too much power.

    also the way i learned was starting out hitting with my fist:

    -learning to angle with you fist will help later on when you start learning with you hand.

    -with you fist, you can get used to the power of making it over the net

    then after learning with your fist, learn with your hand.

    it makes it easier! :P

  8. spin the ball when you throw it in the air, make sure you can counter the spin when you hit it (with your wrist) so it goes nicely over the net, with spin, and speed. deadly.

  9. Make sure to hit the ball with the palm of your hand. Also don't throw it in a way that you have to reach backwards to serve the ball. Also step with the opposite foot than the hand you serve with.

  10. cup your hand when you hit the ball

    like keep your fingers together,

    don't keep your hand open

    that mrs. ronaldo chick below me is lying

    shes just some tag along stalker on yahoo answers.

    i think you guys should report her.

    that chick don't EVENNN know the first thing about volleyball

    doesn't even know what a rally is.. ha.

    and if you go on her page you'll see that she's top contributor for mens soccer.


    how can she be so prejudice on sexuality?!?


    i would say more, but i don't want to anymore

    mrs ronaldo is a MAN. end of story.

  11. I played for years in junior high and high school and always had difficulty serving overhand.  I had the power, just not the coordination I guess.  Here's what I did to practice...

    Stand in your serving stance.  (I am right handed so I'll explain it as if you are as well.)

    Feet shoulder width apart.  Left foot ahead of your right - just about another foot lengths away.  Outstretch your left arm with the ball in front of you.  Your arm should be parallel to the ground, and angled to your right side so the ball is at the height of your right shoulder.  Practice tossing the ball first.  Once you get this down pat, it's more comfortable for you to hit the ball evenly and with more force.  The ball should be tossed about two feet into the air, although I always threw it about three feet because my arms are so long.

    Now that you have the ball tossing down pat, it's time to hit!   I always start with my left arm stretched out with the ball and my right arm in the position to hit - I hold this for a few seconds or  until I feel well balanced.  As you toss the ball up, use your right arm to follow the toss.  Once you have the ball tossed, try hitting it JUST as it starts to drop.  I found that hitting it at the top of its toss causes it to float and go longer, making the chances of it going out of bounds.

    Once you get the hang of it, there are all sorts of tricks you can use to make it spin downward and drop quick in front of your opponents.  (Just like spiking, you can put an over-spin on the ball to do this.)  

    You can do it...I know you can!  Everyone else is right:  It just takes a lot of practice.  Do just that and you'll be acing your serves in no time!

    Good luck and have fun!

  12. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    angelica (PASSION) stoled my answer

    EDIT: Angelica shut up, I'm not no stalker.

    she is just mad because i am better at sports than her. And she knows I'm telling the truth. Report (PASSION)

    AKA the "short " chick above me.

    EDIT 2: If i don't know anything than why am i top contributor?

    and i have only had this thing for a couple months and she has had it for more than a year.



    I HAVE g*y PRIDE OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i don't have anything against homosexuality

    that's why i said insider. Duh!

    at least i know what i am and where i stand Angelica =p



  13. Over hand serving is the easiest thing u will do in volleyball make sure u get a good toss over the shoulder u swing with then swing straight through!!

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