
How do you make a lot of money, legally, if you are 12 and owe £115 to your parents?

by Guest61312  |  earlier

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I am 12 and currently owe £115, i have no money yet but i want all answers to be legall and honest. I want about £50 for 2 games.




  1. This site has good reviews for making money online:

    This site pays you cashback when you shop and you get £10 free when you sign up:

    This site pays you each time you make a search on yahoo, it's not much but at the end of the year it can add up to a couple hundred pounds:

    This site pays you to leave your internet on:

    You can get a free website and get paid through advertisements on the site here:

    Theres loads of ways to make money online, those are just a few.

  2. sell stuff then fly to america to exchange the euros for more money and buy the games there.

  3. Show willing with your parents by doing chores graciously - if you do this they'll soon write your debt off.  BTW do you wanna pay off the £115 or get another £50?   You could always ask for money for Bday pressies.

  4. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha :)

  5. Ask your parents if you can pay off your debt through chores around the house like if you said for £2 off my debt ill do the laundry. In addition to that for the money you want for those two games you can mow lawns, walk dogs, babysit and help with any other neighbourhood chores.

      hope this helped good luck =)

  6. chores

  7. Start scouting your neighborhood for people who need their grass cut or their dogs walked.

  8. hey check out this link

  9. thats easy i have a million by doing alot of work in the house

  10. Can I just ask one question? Are your parents charging you interest on the money you owe? If not suggest a deal whereby they convert your debt to a 25 year loan, top it up to, let's say £1,000, to be charged at 1% above the Bank of England base rate with interest  payable on  a monthly basis. If you default they seize your property.

    Or get a paper round.

  11. Sell stuff on eBay, you can seriously make a lot of money this way.

  12. Babysit .... no jobs for young Brits

  13. at the age of 12 the only legal wayy to earn money is to like mow your neighbors lawn or in winter shovel their driveways or at fall you can rake the leaves and in spring ou can help them water the plants, so just pretty much just do chores that will adore friends and you will most likely get paid =D

  14. um try do be really nice to them   ya know keep them in a good mood them try to mow lawns, clean roofs, walk dogs, babysit or smothing that people pay good money for

  15. Whats that symbol stand for? And how much is that in  dollars?

  16. Well, you can find some old stuff you own and sell them on Ebay.

  17. mow lawns, do chores around the house for you parents or neighbors, ask for cash from relatives for your birthday and give it right to the parents

  18. Paper round maybe

  19. Hi

    You could try to find investors for a small business and get paid £100 for your assistance.

    Go to for more details

  20. baby sitting or something else

  21. collect cans...


  22. Ha thats easy my 14 year old grand-daughter just asks ME for money and I'm so soft I just hand it over. Also I just found out that my husband gives her money too! A future female Alan Sugar there I think!

  23. 1. Sell stuff you don't need to people such as used games or consoles to game stores.

    2. Do chores such as the lawn, vacuum, or just clean the house.

    3. Take care of someone's baby if they have enough trust with you.

    4. Find anything that you will do for free and you can start charging for it instead, but make sure people will actually pay for what you do.

    To be honest with you, I am currently 14 and I just ask my parents for money and they never said I had to pay them back.  If you want something just ask and be patient I guess.

    There are not many jobs people will expect 12-year-olds to do well least not better than a professional.  Just charge cheaper than professional if you're going to do any services.

  24. clean out your parents car, ask neighours would they pay you to cut their grass or clean their cars, trade in some games, walk dogs.

  25. you will have to pay your parents back first.  then you'll have to earn money.  if you have some games that can be traded in for a lower price for new ones, you can trade them in, but you'll still be owing your parents money.  once you have paid your parents back, look into doing some chores, or asking neighbors if you can help them out for a small fee.  or wait until its your birthday or a special holiday in which you can get your games as a present.

  26. You could try selling stuff on ebay. Or you could sell some stuff at a carboot sale. And just do loads of work round the house, in agreement to reduce your owings.

  27. You do chores for your parents and negotiate a rate to pay off your debt!

  28. get a job as a paperboy or a dog walker

  29. Try selling unwanted games etc on ebay

  30. Would it be indiscreet to ask why, at the tender age of 12, you already are in debt 115 quid and are now asking for another 50?

    I don't know who's nuttier -- you or your parents.  But in any case, suck it up, tough it out, get a summer job, work hard and stop spending money.

    Analyze HOW you got into debt -- it will help you later in life, believe me.

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