
How do you make a male cockateil talk? I bought a tape and play it wll day; he still won't say a word?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Spend time with your bird so that he knows you and trusts you. Then choose a few short, simple words that you want him to say. Say them to the bird over and over again in a happy, cheerful tone of voice. Watch his reaction so you know which words he likes best. Choose the word your bird seems to like most as the first word to teach him. Repeat it directly to him over and over again every day in a cheerful, sing-song tone of voice. Teach only one word at a time. When the bird has mastered one, go on to another. Don't use the tape. Some birds will pick up on it quickly, while others will take a long time. Good luck!

  2. hehe

    I had 4 i used to sit for hours trying to get them to talk. they just looked at me funny and made a weird noise.

    Keep trying tho, i gave up :/

  3. Teaching a bird to whistle actually delays their speech. You need to say one word every day it has to be the same word. When he learns that one word then move onto another word or short sentence. Dont use that tape anymore he needs to learn only your voice.

  4. it'd be mad to have a bird that whistles up a storm.

    my birds just sit and eat. on a good day, sometimes they move...

    but yeah, don't use that tape.

    i've tried that and failed.

    not only do they need to hear your voice, but they need to see that it's YOU saying it, so they won't be intimidated to speak the word again when you stand infront of it.

  5. the tape can be very annoying to them.the same phrase and word over and over again?it gets anoying to you right?it gets annoying to them to.i recomend you talk to him softly and smothly every day about 3 times each time about 10 mins long  it is alot better than having that tape on and annoying them.keep trying dont give up.goood luck (try putting him in the most social room in the house this may work to)

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