
How do you make a marriage work?

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What are the most important keys to keeping your marriage fresh and exciting?




  1. communication and compromise...

    oh yeah, and just tell her she's right all the time.


  2. Love, friendship, compromise, respect, & loyalty. There is a lot that has to into a marriage for it to be lasting and healthy.  

  3. Laughter! lots and lots of laughter. Friendship, Compromise, Love, Respect, Honesty, good communication. (but not talking everything to the point of craziness.) the willingness to forgive and forget,  A willingness to change and grow. Great, crazy s*x. Getting away every once in a while: stepping out of the norm.

    A lot goes into a successful marriage.  But in my opinion, its the most beautiful realtionship to have with another person.


  4. go out with each other alone at least once a month

    Make him miss you a little, don't let him know your every move

    Stay as s**y, beautiful and most of all CONFIDENT as possible.

    And contrary to what men might say, they like a little change.  Change you hair and makeup, dress up sometimes just because.  Keep him interested.  Keep your mind stimulated and nutured( i.e. have something worthwhile to talk about (the election, music, art, or whatever the two of you might have in common)

  5. No cheating Dude! I'll kill her if she does!

  6. I think communication is key. You need to talk about things and discuss feelings. Show each other that you appreciate one another. Help each other w/ work or around the house, so noone feels like they have to do everything themsleves. Talk about hope and dreams. Just spend time together. Although my hubby and I are weird LOL...we like to at night go our own ways , me on my pc , him on his ...:) lol....

  7. Communication, Trust, Loyalty and a strong foundation based on friendship this is how successful marriages last.

    To keep things exciting, try not to get into routines. Do things you ordinarily wouldn't do. Try different things in the bedroom. Suprise each other with weekend get aways or just an evening out.  

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