
How do you make a mule in Maple Story?

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I need more room for my ores but can't afford to go out and get the nexom cash for extra slots. I found on the internet that if you have an extra character with level 10 and over you can create a mule to hold your extra stuff. Your suppossed to put your things in with the the item storage guy in any town in victoria island then have your spare pick it up. It doesn't work that way. I tried to get my extra to pick up the items but there isn't anything there. What am I doing wrong and is there another alternative to my extra storage problem?




  1. if you  have two characters, you can make another one. get it off of maple island as fast as you can so you can access the bank.  Then whenever the higher levels put stuff in the bank, the character that just got off of maple island can take the items and store it on them

  2. a mule u dont need nexon its just another accont if u have like a lvl 121 and a llv 131 the  121 will be ur mule the lowest lvl is ur mule highest is ur main

  3. are you switching servers? if you are, you can't use the storage trick unless it's in the same world. maybe you can find a friend who you can trust and drop the items for him/her to pick up and hold for you while you switch characters. then he/she drops the items and you have the mule pick it up. to make sure the person doesn't mess with you, you can take something of his/her in collateral and then give it back when you get your stuff back. this would be best to do in an empty free market. or you can just drop in a place that you're confident nobody would go to. maybe an empty fm room, check first. must be quick, just in case.

    p.s. the storage guy isn't only in victoria island, there is supposed to be one in each town. it's just that they look different and have different names.

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