
How do you make a party not boring?

by  |  earlier

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ideas please... im 16 and my dad's gunna be home... so no alchy!




  1. hah that was the first thing i'd say. but no, music and people. that should be it:)

  2. It depends what kinda party its going to be. If its just small, you could play some games like Truth Or Dare, and Would You Rather.

    If there are more people, you could play Spin The Bottle, 7 Minutes In Heaven, etc. 'Who Am I' is also fun. Everyone takes a piece of paper with something written on it (prepared earlier) and puts it on their forehead. They have to walk around asking people questions about to try and find out who they are. Then sit around while people take a guess at who they are. =D

    Just look up 'teen games' on google and you will get some good results. And as well as games, you can just dance, chat, eat, etc. =D

  3. people, music, video games

  4. Great food and some good fun games can liven up ur party and u can have a gr8 time with friends. Try the quick and easy recipes here for some great food ideas

  5. Maybe play some cards or throw darts...

  6. games... movies..... yeah i cant party w/o alchohol

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