
How do you make a phone work again after water damage?

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My phone went through the wash and I was just wondering if there was a way to fix it because it won't work-- they dot turned red from water damage if you take the back cover off you can see this- I've heard of differnt things like sticking it in a bag of rice?? Anything work for anyone out there? Its been in the freezer for a week-- someone told me to that>> Thanks




  1. Uh, you probably shouldn't have done that, seeing as how it could have extended much more damage. . . You should probably take it to a kiosk that repairs phones, it depends on where you live. Maybe you should take it back to your local service provider, with the receipt, and they can probably assist you. If not, then take it to the kiosk, and they will fix it, but im telling you right now, that they charge alot, maybe double the amount or half, you paid for the phone. It also depends on what type of phone you have as well, if it is a newer version, then yes, older ? Not so much. If all else fails, then I would say get a new phone. Next time check your pockets before you throw your jeans into the laundry!

    -take it ez & have a good day.

  2. Putting it in the freezer could have caused more extensive damage just because of the fact that sensitive equipment like the internal workings of a cell phone should never be exposed  to extreme temperatures. Water also EXPANDS when frozen,contributing to possible damage as well.

    Try leaving it out to dry, but in all likelihood the best thing you can do is buy a new one.  

  3. lmao the freezer! Y don't you just put it in he garbage disposal?!?

  4. dude. just remove the back cover. leave it alone for like a few days. and the water will dry up. then it'll work again. happen to me before.

  5. get that phone out of the freezer son... hahahha who told u to do well i got my phone all wet after doin a belly flop.. so i completely took it apart and cleaned all the parts with those swabs that u clean ur ears with. and i spread all the parts on a a place where its dry and left it there for a week after i put it back together the phone worked.. bwt it was sony ericsson idk if that matters but i used those small torx screwdrivers..u can find them in most stores....hope i helped

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