
How do you make a photo look like this?

by  |  earlier

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  1. im not sure but thats sweet : - )

  2. Take the shot from a low angle, cut it out in photoshop.

    Airbrush some highlights, shoulders, head etc.  

    Color correct/contrast the entire image to look as if both taken at the sametime.  

  3. do you have photoshop, need more details

  4. Its done in Adobe Photoshop. It looks like they put an effect on it to make it look old or something.

  5. lasso the people in the picture and put them on a new layer, then trim the edges around the people and put some sort of effect on the people.  looks like a glow effect and something else.

  6. it looks like they cut the band members from another picture and then found that warehouse type background.

  7. film grain effect or some kind of filter maybe?

  8. 1. they darkened the background

    2. the band members were very sharp (increase in sharpness)

    send me a picture if you would like me to sharpen it for you

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