
How do you make a sink not smell??

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On the garbage disposal side of our sink its smells so bad.Yesterday I turned the grabage disposal on and ran it till there was nothing left.Then i put baking soda and vinegar down it and let it set for a few minutes.And then rinsed it out.Now it smells again.Is there anything else I can do to make the smell go away??Thanks




  1. Try some Clorox , mix with little bit of dishwashing liquid and water.

  2. Try putting a lemon in it and run the disposal. Hope this helps.

  3. orange peel does great!

    you get a snack and the disposal gets the orange peel

    try the baking soda and vinegar again

    try it all except the could splash back at you

  4. Try a slice of lemon with the peel on if it can go down your disposal.  

  5. Yes.  Take a little (and I mean little) bit of bleach and dish detergent and pour it down the drain with the disposal on.  Let it run just as you did before and then pour a little more dish detergent down the drain.  This normally helps when my sink gets an odor.  Hope it helps your situation.

  6. vinegar and baking soda is good but you have to put one lemon in, turn it on then pour coffee after...smell will surely go away!

  7. pour some buttermilk down it. the enzymes in it will eat the bacteria & freshen it right up

  8. It is not the sink which smalls bad, but the rotting food stuff you put down the disposal and got caught in the cracks and crevices. Get rid of the disposal and replace it with plain pipe which does NOT collect garbage food stuffs which sit and rot. Or, replace the disposal with another of a better design which does NOT collect bits and pieces internally. Or, if you insist on keeping and using the disposal you have, then use a foaming drain cleaner, the kind which is safe for septic tanks, which may loosen or dislodge the stuck rotting bits, Follow the directions for use. Then run it and flush with water and use baking soda (no vinegar) after and hope for the best. You can try a lemon (as others have suggested) after but still, the bots of lemon that remain behind will start to rot and smell just like anything else organic that you put down the disposal. I suspect you do not use the disposal very often. You would not have this problem if you used it every day, or at least it would be less noticeable with more frequent use. I got rid of mine because of exactly this same problem and have shifted over to composting through my recycling center, which means separating my garbage along some strict guidelines, but that is a small price to pay for NOT having a sink which smells BAD. Your mileage may vary...

  9. I pour bleach down mine.

  10. Use lemons or limes. The acid will take away any leftover food particles and when you grind them up with the disposer. You can also use pinesol and pour down both drains so that the p-trap will empty the stale water and release the smell of the pinesol.  

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