
How do you make a stadium full of Democrats go wild?

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put a tiny little idiot on the stage and tell them lies. Dennis Kucinich had the following tales to tell:

“Millions of Americans have lost their jobs" - and found new ones. The US unemployment rate is around 5.7%. well within average for the last 50 years. and a full 1% better than the European Union.

"trillions of dollars for an unwarranted war paid for with borrowed money;" We have not yet spent even 600 billion dollars on Iraq. in case you don't know. 1000 billion = 1 trillion. Also, this unwarranted war, was voted for by nearly everyone in the Senate and Congress.

"tens of millions of dollars in cash and weapons disappeared into thin air at the cost of the lives of our troops and innocent Iraqis.” - how many billions of dollars does congress disperse into thin air within our own borders every year on pork projects & lining their own pockets. How much money did the government lose track of during hurricane Katrina alone?




  1. no way, no how, no mc cain.

  2. well the job market does suck , and the unemployment rate is bad and the war in iraq was  a coming anyway by the media with all the lies . and yes someone is lining there pockets because at the amount of money spent on this war and our borders our troops should be wearing gold plated armor

  3. Give a speech full of rhetoric and no actual substance, throw a useless generalization out there like "time for change", and watch them jump up and down like chimps at feeding time.  

  4. This shows once again how incapable the democrats are of rational thought.

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