
How do you make a television projector out of house hold stuff like mirrors and stuff.?

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  1. Well, you can make a pretty crappy, weak projector from a large magnifying glass placed in front of a TV a foot or two.

    The larger the magnifying glass the better.  You can probably find one that's 6 inches across (don't use a flat plastic fresnel lens).   Try a surplus store where they've scavenged optics from copying machines or transparency projectors.

    You'll need a very dark room to see the picture, and you're best off enclosing the entire thing in a box so that the light from the TV doesn't make the room too bright to see the image on the wall.  But then you'll need to be careful of keeping the TV cool... which means you'll need a good cooling fan and vents.

    It might be fun to play with for awhile, but it won't look as good as even a cheap video projector, for sure.

  2. You can't do it. You need to be able to flip the image 180 degrees horizontal or all the writing will be backwards.

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