
How do you make a toilet bubble and spill bubbles over the sides?

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How do you make a toilet bubble and spill bubbles over the sides?

I saw it on tv ages ago but cant remember how to do it.

Its two different products i think

One goes in the sisten and one in the bowl when they mix they create heaps of bubbles and they like fill the room




  1. Sorry but that kinda funny,that you are playing with your toilet,don't you have any better hobbie's.

  2. Eat a lot of beans and wash it down with bubble bath


  3. Put in a box of baking soda into the tank and let it dissolve. Then  put about a pint of white vinegar into the toilet and stir. Then flush. When the baking soda (base) and vinegar (acid) mix, they'll form foamy bubbles. Have you noticed when you use baking soda solution to clean the car battery, it forms bubbles.

  4. lol umm? toilets..?

  5. put drie ice in the and bowl  and  it will bubbles over ,and full the room like you didn,t see

  6. I'm sure your parents will be thrilled, are you going to hang around to clean up the mess?

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