
How do you make a tough roast beef tender?

by  |  earlier

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it's already in the oven cooking, but so far it is still tough. is there something i can do or add at this point to make it 'fall apart' tender?




  1. If you don't have a slow cooker, and have to use the oven....

    What I do is let the roast cook at 375, for a good majority of the day.  I use the powdered lipton onion soup, and add a can of mushroom soup, then let that cook at a low temperature.  I would add some beef broth,and cook it at a lower temp.

  2. Patience Grasshopper.  

    I cook round for my Mexican restaurant every week and it takes 5-6 hours simmering before it finally turns fork tender.

    I'm also cooking 15-20 pounds at a time with cheap meat so it should take less time than that for yours.  Make sure you have at least 1" of water in the pan to prevent it from drying out. For roasts I usually put it on top of four onion halves to keep it out of the broth.

  3. well unfortunatly a crock pot is the best 4 this. but in the oven coo kit about 75 degrees less than u r now and add a decent amount of water in the pan. this lets it kind of simmer and absorb the water which absorbs into the roast making a tasty flavor. you will have to cook it longer but its worth it. GOOD LUCK!

  4. the longer you cook roast beef the tougher it gets!

    20 min per pound at 400 degress is the general cooking rule

    let it sit out 10 min before slicing

  5. If its a 4 pound roast it should be cooked for 3 and a half hours in a pan covered with alum. foil in a 350 degree oven. Put a can of beef broth in it to keep it steaming and to keep it from drying out. Make sure it has plenty of salt and pepper on it or it will be tasteless.

  6. If it's not cooking in a covered pan... COVER it with aluminum foil and let it steam then check again in an hour... you can't over cook it if it's covered with foil

  7. Low and slow. Covered. And a lot of basting.

  8. go toss in a tea bag in the liquid surrounding your roast. It will help a lot. Tea has tannin in it which is a natural tenderizer. It won't change the taste of your roast at all but will make the au jus darker in color which is good.

    You could also pour a pot of coffee over your roast. Coffee tenderizes as well. It does leave a flavor that is most unique on roasts.

    Also I cover the roast tightly with foil and allow it to steam for 2 hours in the oven and this also tenderizes it. Don't peek!!

  9. Learn the secret world of BBQ.

    Not talking grilling.   Slow cook smoked BBQ.

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