
How do you make absinthe jelly?

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do you not need to mix it with water (like if you were using vodka)?




  1. Put the absinthe in a measuring jug and sprinkle the gelatine over. Leave to soften for 5 minutes. Stand the jug in a pan of hot water and stir until the gelatine has dissolved . Make up to 600 ml with absinthe. Turn into a 600 ml jelly mould and chill until set. Dip the mould briefly in hot water, then turn out on to a serving plate and serve cold.

  2. Gelatin plus absinthe, and a little water.

  3. Only heat up a small amount of absinth (1/5th of the total recommended) to dissolve a packet jelly. If you heat all the absinthe up the alcohol will evaporate off d**n quickly. Top it up with the cold absinthe to the full amount, stir it very well, and leave it to set

  4. Mmmm that sounds nice :)

    I agree with first answer :) x

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