
How do you make an XOR gate (2 inputs and 2 outputs) with only NAND gates?

by  |  earlier

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I need to know this for a test tom!!

here is the truth table:

input output

00 00

01 01

10 10

11 00

thank you, any help is greatly appreciated!





    I have to think about the two outputs part, just noticed it

    Edit:  In the picture I sent, would you drop that last nand gate, giving you two outputs?  I THINK you then run both outputs through a not gate, which you'll have to make from nand gates but should be easy

  2. 6 NAND gates are required for the XOR w/ two outputs:

    Use the following NAND gate XOR to start:

    Then add 2 NAND gates on the output of the above 4 NAND gate XOR.

    The output of the 4-NAND gate XOR tie to one input on each of the two NAND gates -- then tie input A to one of the two output NAND gates and tie input B to the other NAND gate input.

    I hope this helps

  3. if you make an XOR gate with two inputs and two outputs you cant processes data. if your inputs can not be reduced to a final output that is defined for each unique input combination you either:

    fail this class or

    win a nobel prize for an invention that defeats its own definition of a machine.

    either your teach is s******g with you or you dont know what an  S-R latch is. (use 2 NANDs and hook Q1 to R, Q2 to SNOT).

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