
How do you make an omelet?

by  |  earlier

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I have no Idea lolz, and Ive never had one lol




  1. You have to gather all your stuffings first.   For example: chopped onions, green peppers, ham, sausage, lots of cheese, or whatever else you would like to be inside.  

    You beat 3 or 4 eggs in a bowl and pour it into a hot frying pan that is layered with butter.  Let it sit for a minute.   Pour your stuffing mixture into the middle.   Flip one side of the egg over the other to make a pouch.   Cook well on both sides.

    voila... you have an omelette

  2. Crack your eggs into a jug, beat them and pour them into a lightly oiled frying pan on a middling heat. Add anything you want to go into it (like cheese, mushrooms, peas - whatever you want!), and wait for it to start hardening. When it can be easily folded over, fold it and turn it so the other side cooks. Wait until all the egg is cooked, and serve!

  3. Hio

    Use this site ~

    Hopefully my answer was helpful

  4. Omelet for one

    Prepare anything you want to add to your omelet beforehand. It doesn't take long to cook and you have to be ready to throw in your ingredients.

    You can add grated cheese, green or red peppers, onions, tomatoes, bacon, ham, mushrooms. etc. (whatever you like)

    Cut the veggies into thin type slices and put aside in a bowl

    Then you take a medium size saucepan (either a non-stick or take a paper towel and apply a bit of olive, canola or veg. oil in the pan and make sure the whole surface of the pan is covered with a thin coat of  whatever oil you like).

    Medium low heat

    Break 3 eggs into a bowl and stir them up with a fork

    Add a teaspoon or so of milk

    Put butter or margarine in the pan

    let it melt and swirl it around the frypan (also up around the sides) you want to make sure that the omelet doesn't stick

    Add the stirred egg mixture

    Fill only the 'bottom' of the frypan with the egg mixture

    let it sit for a few minutes until you see that it's becoming cooked but not cooked thoroughly. You want it to have kind of a skin on the bottom of the pan so the other ingredients don't fall through.

    Add the grated cheese next

    Let the cheese melt a bit

    Then start adding the other ingredients, place them here and there on the omelet

    Now, cook the omelet the whole way through - Don't overcook

    Typically this means, don't brown the omelet on the bottom

    You don't want any egg goo but you don't want it browned either.

    Next step: This is why you need to make sure the pan is well greased

    Take a spatula and go around all the edges of the omelet and loosen the edges so it is not sticking to the pan.

    Then, (and this may take some practice).

    Get ready with the spatula and tip the pan on it's side so the omelet starts to slip out of the pan. (If you're worried about this one, you can do it over a plate)

    When you get good at this, you can do it in one very quick jerking motion.

    If you have the spatula right there, you want to get it so about half of the omelet (with contents) is slipping out of the pan. Then you flip one half over on the other half of the omelet and voila....cheese and veggie omelet.

    Loosen the bottom of the omelet from the pan with your spatula

    Then carefully slide the omelet out of the pan onto your plate.

    A little salt and pepper and you're done!

    Also, note: personally, I don't like my veggies overcooked so I do not cook them for very long. Other people might have different ideas but I prefer my veggies warmed rather than over-cooked.

    They're much healthier for you and I think much tastier too.  

  5. beat some eggs (2-3) add pinch salt,pepper

    heat a little oil in the frying pan

    pour mixture into frying pan on a medium heat

    turn when under side is golden brown

    when you put it on your plate place cheese,ham or whatever you want on to the top of it then flip half of over so it is a semicircle.


    or google it  

  6. Hey hun, it's realllyy easy. I learned how to cook one with this:

    It takes a few tries to get it right, but you know what they say -practice makes perfect! ; )

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