
How do you make an online game like VMK?

by  |  earlier

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I want to be able to make VMK over so it doesn't end like this




  1. haha someone already did! he beat you to the punch. its vmk only without the characters..hes still working on them, theres one character in the game but you cant play it yet.

    go to scroll down to click the Enter button. and WHOOSH your in VMK again haha. all the sounds..all the areas..right there for you in the simpleness of clicking a button. he adds new features to it everyday because he has to graphically redesign everything to make it look exactly the same as vmk did because he doesnt own any copyrights on vmk..only disney does. so make sure u go to the website everyday to see what new feature he added. to see what feature is added that day he put a side panel where it tells you. the dude is a genius!!

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