
How do you make and use a wiji board? not sure if i spelt it right.?

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How do you make and use a wiji board? not sure if i spelt it right.?




  1. you dont make it you buy it at a store  ( like walmart)

  2. I don't know why you would want to make one, but you can maybe go on google and type in ouija board and their bound to have a pic of one. print it out, tape it to a peice of card board and get a penny or something and draw an arrow on it. At night ask the spirts questions out loud. It will be a god idea to have your parents or friends around incase something happens. There was always this question I wanted to ask but I will never be brave enought to get near one of those. Ask it for the lottery #. Like people say they know everything right so get the lottery # buy a ticket and you might be rich. But remember there is no saying what could happen so be careful. Dont look in the mirror when your doing this, my friend said she saw the face of the guy. So just saying, ok. So be careful and good luck if you acually try doing the lottery thing! Tell me if it accually works ok!


  3. it's actually spelt ouija,

    but you were close-ish.


    i've played the ouija maybe almost ten times before.

    a few times in fourth grade,

    and a few over this past weekend.

    when i was in fourth grade i asked basic things,

    who i was going to marry,

    yadda yadda yadda.

    i remembered most of the answers,

    hoping to play again sometime and ask the same questions to see if the answers matched up.

    so this weekend a friend brought it over,

    we played alot.

    it's like an addiction.

    when i was in fourth grade i didn't fear the thing,

    probally because i didn't know what it was all about.

    but when i was playing it this weekend was when i really got spooked.

    some people thought it would be cool to ask it who it was by each time we played,

    we did,

    and almost every time it spelled out my name.

    i would get so panicky.

    i asked my questions,

    got the same answers.

    and even more answers.

    the night before school however,

    i swear i was hearing things,

    seeing things.

    i hope it was not for real,

    and i try telling myself it was just my imagination playing tricks on me,

    but i have a feeling it wasn't.

    i can't be alone now,

    can't fall asleep before two,

    and i am deathly afraid when i am in the shower.

    i'm almost positive the ouiji is an actual portal to the spirit world.

    when i was playing i kept on feeling someone touch my back,

    and i know that wasn't just my imagination.

    it's a scary thing to mess around with.

    and there are rules, so to speak.

    rules such as:

    you have to ask it if it's okay to ask the spirits about their previous life,

    if the thing, i can't think of the word, moves to one of the corners, it means it's a bad spirit,

    you should also ask it if it's a good spirit (just be aware it may be lying to you)

    you must tell the spirit your leaving and say goodbye before packing up the game,

    and you really want to say a prayer before you play.

    sorry if this is getting long for those of you who actually kept reading,

    but i have also heard stories from friends of shower caps falling off and hitting them in the heads,

    and also other things flying into mid-air.

    i hope to never play this game again,

    but like i said,

    i'm addicted.

    addicted to know my future.

    i know i shouldn't know everything,

    and i should keep things a surprise and respect God's wishes,


    it's just so hard sometimes.

    there's my answer for you.


  4. You can buy a ouija board at most toy stores such as Toys R Us and at most department stores that sell board games.  If you don't want to spend the money you can easily make a game.  Here are a couple of links that explain how.

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