
How do you make cars that run on water?

by Guest58101  |  earlier

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How do you make cars that run on water?




  1. The deal is to break down the water by electrolysis and vent the hydrogen and oxygen you get into the intake. There isn't enough this way to run the car. The hope is that it will supplement the fuel/air mixture the car normally uses.

  2. You cant. All of them are scams.

  3. You have to split the water up into hydrogen and oxygen first. This uses VAST amounts of electricity.

    What you save on petrol prices, you lose on electricity.

  4. Is it true or just a scam? You cannot run your car on water alone of course!

    A cheap and simple installation produces Brown's Gas, also called HHO, which is mixed with the fuel (petrol, gasoline, LPG or diesel) your car is built for.

    Some say it is a hoax because they claim the energy you have to put in to produce the gas is more than what comes out when you burn it.

    But they do not realize that the mixture is more fuel efficient because the hydrogen gas explodes first and heats up the combustion chamber before the fuel does. This results in an increase in gas mileage of 10 - 50 %

    The price of the conversion is quickly recovered, especially when you drive a truck or SUV. Just make sure you follow all the safety instructions and if you are not a mechanic, get some professional help!

    You can read more in the review below ...

  5. Of course, there is certain chemistry behind all this, but this post alone won’t do it justice. There are online video presentations that you can watch and instructional guides that will explain it all in more details.

    There are people who have claimed to use this system on their personal vehicles and it has worked for them. If you want proof, you may have to do some research to find that out for yourself. However, if you watch these video presentations that are being posted on the Internet, you will be able to decide whether it is a hoax or not. Usually, the visual tells the truth.

    It also seems that some major news channels have gotten a hold of this and are also putting up the video on their websites to demonstrate to the public how the water powered car is converted.

    The media is taking a hold of this new buzz because the gas prices have created frenzy and wherever there is news about a solution, of course, the media is going to cover the story.

    I know, for a fact, that you won’t be able to just get up tomorrow and convert your car to water gas fuel.

    You have to get the right instructions to do this, so your next move, after reading this article is to find out how this works, and if your vehicle is capable of the conversion process. According to the news media and the video presentation, this works on almost every vehicle.

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