
How do you make commuters laugh?

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Everyone on the tube is so grumpy, pushing and shoving and swearing their little commuter hearts out. I figure they could do with a bit of cheering up.




  1. Give them all two months pay!!

  2. It sounds like an impossible task.  I gather from what I read, having never been to the UK, that commuters are rather, shall we say, defensive.

    If I understand the situation, attempts at humor may put one off even more at the least and REALLY p**s someone off at the worst.

    People are free to wallow in their misery and if this is what they choose, let 'em at it.  Keep yourself amused, find the humor in a less than humorous environment, and it may rub off.  Smiles are infectious.  Spread one around.

  3. just say "good morning" nicely to everyone.  That will confuse them, at least.

  4. When everybody moves like a bunch of sheep, start "BAAAAAA" ing like one. Maybe people will get it. If they realize how stupid and sheep like commuters look.  Or have a shirt saying "Come on lemmings....this way, follow me!"

  5. Wear a t-shirt with some clever saying.  Or something that will shock them.  I remember a guy came into class once with a t-shirt that said in big bold letters F()KC OFF.  (purposely misspelled).

    Smiling is infectious so try that as well.

  6. speak on a cell phone really loudly so that e/o can hear you and say some really weird stuff

  7. This will sound creepy, but nonetheless, make eye contact with everyone, look the brightest and most believable you can be, and smile at everyone who looks back at you. Treat them to a seat and offer to help with seating or luggage. Make sure you make eye contact deeply with the receiving end when you smile at people. And just do the friendly chit-chat suff with random people. You'll confuse some, brighten some, and anger some. Though as long as your happy. Nothing can go wrong there:)

  8. Have 4 bowls of Chili and cabbage for breakfast then wash them down with a gallon of beer. I guarantee they'll love you for that one.

  9. Baked Beans ... Jalapeno peppers, and 3 Beers.....   Wait 30 minutes and get on the tube.    Or.....suggest topless conductors!!

  10. Pass gas real loud and excuse yourself

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