
How do you make friends?

by Guest33900  |  earlier

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I already ask this but I post again because I can

I am 14 and in 9th grade. I don't have any friends cause they think I am weird.

I am told that I act very strange and awkward in social situations(weird body language,no eye contact, zones out, doesn't act on cue,stares at nothing,etc.). This is frequently took as being shy,but I am not shy at all. Just very unaware and lost a lot. My counselor is nice but she's teaching me how to not be shy and I am not needing help in that department. I want to be more aware and knowledgeable in my life. I love to draw and fix computers and talk to myself,but I would like to talk to someone without scaring them away for once.




  1. Sounds like you are a "sensitive". There is a great book out can find it on Amazon. Something like "The Highly sensitive person"?? It helped me to understand and best of all APPRICIATE how I am and why. It's viewed as a gift..not a problem and teaches you how to use it to your benifit as well as deal with relationships and social situations.

    If you are this way..the world is a bit different for you but you'll be OK as long as you can understand you see things in a different  light than most.

    P.S. Although some of there people do have experiences in supernatural ways..the book is not about that. It's very down to earth and helpful for everyday situations.  Worth looking into???

  2. try an after school club, and work on making eye contact, and good body language with your concelor perhaps.  

  3. I can understand I'm kinda the same. All I can say is when you're in a conversation with someone give them eye contact. Just try working on eye contact. If you don't give eye contact people get the impression you don't care what they have to say. Everything else is good to have but eye contact is something you should really work on.

    Don't be afraid to tell people what you like to do if they ask. If they think you're weird for saying what you like to do that's their problem not yours. Just be yourself and you'll be fine. BUT FOCUS ON MAKING EYE CONTACT :) hehe

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