
How do you make friends when your moving to a different state?

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I'm moving to Iowa, & I'm gonna be a sophmore, I'm a really shy person at the beginning, and I don't know how i will find friends. HELP ME!




  1. thats easy just hang out with someone ask them about them and your perfect. same thing hapenned to me in 1st grade yikes

  2. listen my friend moved like 9 times already shes been to 10 different schools shes found plenty of friends. just be yourself find a sport or after school activity that you realy like to do and if you go to that find someone who likes the same thing and just become friends with them and talk to thema bout that! im on color guard and those girls r my life, i became so close to them so fast! don't be aftraid to be outgoing. lots of people like when people are outgoing! : )

  3. Is this your first time moving? I can see why it can be scary...... just be nice, friendly, talk to people in class, and go from there.

    I moved many times (6 cities and 3 countries)....

    The last time I moved I was also a sophomore in high school, and the first 6 month I didn't really have any friends (there was a group of girls I hung out with at lunch, but we never hung out outside of school).... Then I met a girl and became close friends with her, and right now I have a really large circle of friends, and a great social life.

    Just be positive and patient :)

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