
How do you make groul? because i want to try to make it my self. like in olivar that stuff?

by  |  earlier

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i need the recipe plz




  1. Basically, gruel is just hot wheat or rice cereal, so Cream of Wheat. Plain oatmeal would be a close approximation. If you want the poor orphans' version, add extra water to make it runny.

    And it's spelled Oliver, btw.

  2. Fix yourself a big bowl of oatmeal....same thing.

  3. It is just watery oatmeal  

  4. The gruel in Oliver absolutely is oatmeal.  If you want to be truly authentic, you can soak whole oat groats overnight, then cook them all day the following day, then thin them with water.   It will taste like oatmeal with fingernail parings in it.  


  5. Gruel is a type of preparation consisting of some type of cereal, wheat or rye flour, and also rice, boiled in water or milk. It is similar to porridge, but is more often drunk than eaten.

    Historically, gruel has often been an important part of the human diet, especially that of the working class. The importance of gruel as a form of sustenance has been lessened in the more modern times.



    1 c. long grain rice

    2 tbsp. butter

    1 c. water

    4 c. milk

    1/2 stick cinnamon

    1/2 c. cream

    1 tsp. salt

    2 tbsp. sugar

    1 tsp. vanilla

    Rinse rice under cold water. Drain. Melt half of butter in a deep saucepan, add rice and water and boil about 10 minutes or until water evaporated. Stir in milk and cinnamon stick. Cook slowly 40 minutes or until rice is tender, stirring occasionally. Blend in cream, salt, sugar, vanilla and remaining butter. Serve with milk, sugar and cinnamon.


    2 c. water

    1 c. rolled oats

    1/3 c. raisins

    4 tsp. honey

    Put water on to boil. When it boils, sprinkle the oatmeal and raisins into it, stirring well. When it begins to thicken, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring now and then. Pour into bowls and add honey. Stir well.

    hope these help.             good luck and enjoy.

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