
How do you make it to first string in volleyball?

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I just made it to the team and we like half an hour ago had our fist pratice and i find out the they have to see who will make it to first and secound string but I really want to make it to first some can any of you give me some good advise before my next practice which is next week tuesday.




  1. Quick simple advice:

    -Call the ball

    -Play hard

    -Know the vocab

    -Go for EVERY ball

    -Take advice and say "Thank you I will work on that"


    -Go to impress (meaning impress with skills, knowledge, dress,etc...)

    -Help other people trying out with things you can do and they need help with, but dont be mean about it or seem mean or critisizing in any way so they are thinking you are being nice

  2. first the coaches what you can do in the first day. because if you show what you can 3 days later. they wont pay attention to show all youve got in the first two days and outbeat most of the other girls.. then you willl have all eyes on you..

  3. just show your coach(s)

    that you are worthy of making first string

    try your hardest

    don't try and impress them

    just do what you would normally do

    btw what is first string ? at my school in highschool we have JV and Varsity !

    r u in highschool or how does your school work ?


    well I know first string is the better , but could you explain it a bit more ???

  4. Well, work your hardest. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.

  5. 1.s***w any attitude of any kind. coaches hate that.

    2. warmups!coaches watch to see how you warm up to see how you play.

    3. effort. try as hard as you can. try to keep other girls up. volleyball is a moody sport. you have to stay up.

    4. even if you arent that good, if you try , coaches are oing to see that you put forth the effort.

    5. if a coach tells you something, listen and do it.

    coaches hate palyers who roll their eyes or say ok, but then dont do it.

    good luck!

  6. Of course a lot of what coaches will look for will be in skill, but additionally, a lot of them look at the effort you put in.  For everything, even shagging balls, you want to put in full effort, try to be a big team player, because volleyball is a full team sport.  All in all, you just have to show the coach you want it.

    Communication is also important.  Call the ball, talk to your teammates, show how well you get along with them.  If there's a specific position you're trying for, know what is important for that position and work on those skills.  If you're going to be passing a lot make sure you're passing is solid, if you're going to be a middle blocker, make sure that you're quick on the blocks and transitions back to offense.  Hustle for everything.

  7. As a coach of a high school team and of club volleyball I look for the following.  

    The way you work with the team

    your consistency with your serve, passing and hitting

    it is great if you can do all of those tings good but you need to be consistent.

    Take advice from the coach do what they say if they tell you to fix something.  

    Know where you are on the court

    be aggressive

    HAVE FUN and call the ball.  We want leaders but no someone who is too bossy

    Good luck

  8. The best advice that I can give is to be sure to put forth 110% effort in everything you do. Be on time to practice, have all of the appropriate gear, hustle, and listen to your coaches and then do your best to implement their suggestions.

    Those chosen for the first string are most likely those who demonstrate the most complete game: serving, offense, and defense. If you have a particular weakness in your game you might want to work on that before practice.

    One of the biggest things that differentiate the first team from the second team is leadership. Talk to your teammates on the court, direct the play of the ball, call the ball, cheer your teammates on when they make a great play, and give your teammates a pat on the back when they make an error. Next thing you know, you'll be first string floor captain!!!

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