
How do you make ledges for a hamster aquarium?

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I have a 20 gallon long tank with two chinese dwarf hamster in there, I think they would like some more room is there any places I could buy a ledge to attach it or are there any things I can use to make it multileveled?





  1. You can try adding a box or two, and have a ramp going up to it.

    Consider getting a playground.

  2. yep

    cut pieces of perspex into triangle shapes and fit them into the corners.

    hard to explain on here, but you need to do it so one tri is on the left side, near the floor, the next on the right with a little perspex ramp, with matchsticks (head reoved) glued on for grip.

    i did this for my ratties, they loved it, you can fit plastic tubes thru the space above too.

    add: forgot to say attatch them with the sealant stuff you use for bathrooms, the clear one=-its safe. oh and WHY thumbs me down other answerers?theres nothin wrong with what iv said, get a life.

    add2- asker, i didnt say you had, im sure you wouldnt disrespect people aswerin you, one of the other answerers did. lots of people do that cos they are scared i get best answer over them.


  3. here:

    im saving up for one now. i think it would go nice. it can probably be sat on half of the tank with a little work.  

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