
How do you make moonshine?

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ok all my older friends know how to make moonshine but they wont tell me they say they will tell me when im 21 so how do you make moonshine?





    Complete intructions.

  2. Moonshine usually refers to homemade distilled alcohol.

    The simplest way to understand distilling alcohol is that alcohol has a lower boiling point than water. So assuming you have a fermented liquid (like 5% beer) and you heat it up to say 160 degrees, the alcohol will evaporate but not the water. You capture the vapor in coiled tubing like glass or copper. The alcohol vapor condenses in the cool tubing and at the other end comes out the distilled alcohol.

    That's why when you see it on TV with beakers getting heated and glass tubing, you see liquid drip.

  3. carefully, and do you not have google?

    Start with fermented cider and go from there.

    Happy brewing!

    (Unless you are really a minor and then please realize that it is illegal for you to do this in the US.) (disclaimer noted, not that I ever brewed anything before age 21..... )

  4. Ah, yeah....   don't think there are enough line spaces to completely explain the whole process of distilling your own shine & the equipment needed itself would take a couple pages (not to mention the ingredients).  And it's only legal to make small batches of beer or x amount (not sure the gallon amount) of wine before the ATF will be up your u kno what.

    ATF say's illegal to distill spirits/shine, BTW.

  5. moonshine killed my cousin

  6. Can I have some when its done

  7. Convert grain starches to sugar through cooking at precise temps.  Ferment.  Distill resulting "beer."

    That's the 10 second answer, but it's more complicated than that.

  8. Dont know but if you find ut let me know.

    Must be awful to be classed as minor till your 21 over here its 16

  9. i took a 10 gallon water jug filled it 25% with corn  ,add water ,yeast ,and sugar .wait about 14 days , drain the liquid off into a old pressure cooker,i used a canner because it was bigger ,take the pressure gauge off it and attach a copper cooling tube to it the tube has to be around 12 feet long because you have to bend it into a series of coils ,you put the coil in a big pot or ice chest full of water with the end of it hanging out the bottom,so you have one end of it attached to the pressure cooker ,or canner ,the other end comming out of the bottom of a ice chest or big pot of water. now your ready to cook ,you heat it .the alcohol boils at a lower temperature than water so you keep the temperature below 200 degrees .the alcohol evaporates goes into the tube is cooled condenses back to liquid .and comes out into your jug. The lower temp you cook it at the stronger the moonshine ,if you get it to hot and it starts boiling it will be weak and cloudy .I like to add peppermints to mine after i finish.

  10. Making your own alcohol is a bad idea.  Some of the alcohol is methanol, this is bad bad stuff that can make your blind or dead.

    Most liquor stores sell "Everclear"  which is 90% pure alcohol, professionally distilled.  

    Don't ever drink moonshine, you have no idea how much bad stuff is in it.

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