
How do you make more colors out of 3 or 6 basic colors?10 points for best answer!!!!!!!

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Not just secondary colours.more colours like by mixing little,more blue and little white you get purple.In a similar way give me a website or write down the ways in which u can atleast make 12-24 colours.




  1. The only problem with some paint color systems is that you cannot get magenta, clear pinks, aqua blue, and some violets from any combination of the primary colors (yellow, red, blue).

    I prefer to use the following, the colors used by printing presses and professional photography printers. With these, you can create any color you see in a magazine:

    Azo yellow (clean light/medium yellow without orange or green cast)

    Prussian blue (cyan, a medium/deep greenish blue)


    Ivory Black

    Titanium White

    With these colors:

    Yellow - use only Azo

    Reds -  Azo and Magenta, add a little Prussian for primary red

    Blues - Prussian and a little Magenta and Azo

    Oranges - Azo with as much Magenta as you need

    Purples - Magenta and Prussian

    Greens - Azo and Prussian

    Browns - Azo and Magenta with a little Prussian

    Beiges - take brown and add White

    Greys - Black and White, add any color to put a tint in it

    Sap/Forest Green - Green with a touch of Magenta

    Pinks - Magenta and White

    Aqua Blue - Prussian and White

  2. By mixing the primaries first, then the secondary colors! then tertiary colors, until you have enough to call a palete. Also depends on color strength as well as what type of primaries you mix. Red Yellow Blue are a starting point.

  3. Try this:

    Do a search for "color wheel" on line for more information.

  4. If you have the basic primary and secondary colors you can at least triple them by adding white and black. 7 times if you do intermediate and extra dark and light.

  5. This web site is pretty good.

    Consider the warmth or coolness of a colour, that can help the make a wider variety of colours as well

    For example; say you have made a purple and you want it to look "cool" add a drop more blue.  If you want to "warm" it up add a drop of yellow.  You can make the exact same colour appear a little differant.

    An example of a way you may use this is if you were doing a painting of a sunny day or a sunset you would add a bit of yellow to any of the cool colours colours and they will blend into the scene better and look more realistic.

  6. red-blue=purple






    red-blue-blue=dark purple(grapish)



    blue-white=baby blue



    Hope these help!


    try this


    ^^thats a good website for mixing colors, only problem is you have to down load it.

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