
How do you make more points on yahoo answers???

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How do you make more points on yahoo answers???




  1. You can answer questions (2 points), you can try and get best answer (10 points), or you can vote on undecided questions (1 point).

  2. How you earn point.


    Answering a question + 2 points.

    Choosing best answer for your question + 3 points.

    Voting best answer + 1 point.

    Being picked as best answer + 10 points plus 1 point for every thumbs up to a maximum of 50.

    Logging in to yahoo answers each day + 1 point.

  3. Hey dude,

    Dude, you gotta make points in anyway yoou can.  Depending on the level you are in; answer as many questions as you can.  If you ask a question; give a best answer.  You get like 3 points for giving a best answer.  If one of your answers are chosen as best answer; you will be given 10 points.  You get 1 point when you log on the YA for the time of each day you log on to YA.  Theres tons of ways to get points quick.

  4. Points Table

    Begin participating on Yahoo! Answers One Time: 100

    Ask a question  -5

    Choose a best answer for your question 3

    No Best Answer was selected by voters on your question Points Returned: 5

    Answer a question 2

    Deleting an answer -2

    Log in to Yahoo! Answers Once daily: 1

    Vote for a best answer 1

    Vote for No best answer 0

    Have your answer selected as the best answer 10

    Receive a "thumbs-up" rating on a best answer that you wrote (up to 50 thumbs-up are counted) 1 per "thumbs-up"

  5. you make points like for everything you do, its like this...

    earning points...

    logging in - 1+

    answering a question - 2+

    getting voted for best - 3+

    getting to be the best - 10+  so answer questions and you can acually get a lot of points.  :o]

  6. How you earn point.


    Answering a question + 2 points.

    Choosing best answer for your question + 3 points.

    Voting best answer + 1 point.

    Being picked as best answer + 10 points plus 1 point for every thumbs up to a maximum of 50.

    Logging in to yahoo answers each day + 1 point.

    How you loose points.


    Ask a question - 5 points.

    Receiving a violation - 10 points.

    Deleting a answer - 2 points.

    You can see the full point and level chart with the link below

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