
How do you make old french fries feel like new?

by  |  earlier

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when bought from mcdonalds




  1. heat it up then put salt on it is what i do (its a bit softer but realy good)

  2. microwave and pop im in the mini oven at 120 ferenhete for 2 minutes and put some salt with a sauce

  3. you can't microwave or bake them, they tend to get a rubber like consistency when reheated like that.  they must be fried in oil, either in a pan, or a deep fryer if you have one at home. otherwise i would just throw them away or give them to a bum.

  4. Bake them in the oven rather than microwaving them to make them crispy.  It's still not the same but  better than nuking them!

  5. i always refry them in oil and sprinklysalt over them. microwaving makes fries soggy and gross, and baking in the oven makes it too hard to chew.. so frying is your best bet =) hope i helped!

  6. I find microwaving tends to make them go even soggier, if you want a delicious (but not so healthy alternative) spread the chips with oil and bake them for about 3 minutes at a 200 degree flame. If you want a healthier alternative, lightly toss them in a paper bag with salt and let them stand for a few minutes :)

  7. i usually just put them in a pan with corn oil or vegetable oil n put salt o them n they're good but a little softer

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