
How do you make raised bruises go away?My son bites me when he doesn't get his way and now my skin is touched?

by  |  earlier

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it hurts, it is red and raised, so i think it would be considered a bruise.




  1. Firstly don't let him bite you.

    Secondly, apply hot wet compresses. Run a washrag under hot water and then heat in the microwave for 30 seconds to one minute, apply to the bruise until the rag cools. Repeat twice daily.

    Also taking an anti- inflammatory will help.

  2. some say a magnet helps the blood absorb into the skin quicker..

  3. I  hope you put your child on time out when he bites you. If you don't nip this in the bud now he will eventually end up in a street gang, jail, prison or dead...I would put ice on it to get the swelling down and then put some neosporin....

  4. Well to make your bruises go away you should first address your sons behaveoural issues and get some help he obviously has some difficulties, the other option is make up, their is a special make up that my friend used to cover her tattoos on my wedding day it worked really well but i could'nt tell you the name of it, google "make up to cover bruises". and it should come up, Good luck

  5. If you must remove him from something he likes try distracting him with something else, this will help him to detach himself from the previous item or activity. Put some cold compression on your bruises and massage it gently with antiseptic/ bruise creme to ease your pain. Bruises take about a week to heal if there isn't any open wounds.

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