
How do you make sandwhiches at Burger king?

by  |  earlier

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Im new at Burger king and i like things to be organized so i was wondering if anyone had a list of what goes on what sandwhiches




  1. umm..they don't train you on that?

  2. Don't they have pretty pictures above your work station for you?

  3. depends on what the customer wants....every burger should not be the same

  4. lol ask the manager

  5. u should go ask them

  6. ask your manager

  7. Don't worry they will give u a list that you can memerize. But if you were hired into grill, you won't be on table for a while anyway. When they do put you on table as assmbler or initatior, you will know what comes on the sandwhiches. You will likely start on toast and bake or meats.

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