
How do you make snow without the powder?

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  1. Most of the info. so far is correct with one thing missing.

    You must add a manufacted compound to the water. It is usually referred to as Snowmax but that is a brand name. The substance is actually replicated bacteria present in the atmosphere that causes snow to form. Without this you will have only ice.

  2. man made snow isn't always granular, unless, i guess, you don't know what you're doing. there is so much more to it than mixing air and water. for your home use i guess you can get an air compressor and a water hose and make snow. the variables not mentioned here are temperature vs. humidity.  i live where snow making was invented and they have this down to a science. I've skied many days in powder out of a machine. not to say the next run down might be as good because if the temp or humidity changes the texture of the newly blown snow will change. it will look yellow if it is too warm. it will become sticky. i see the snow crews out all day when the guns are on and they are looking for those things as well as wind speed and direction. a couple of local boys tried for years to blow snow--started out as a science fair project. after 3 or 4 years they finally did it and could show any accumulation. good luck.

  3. Cold air with a high pressure water source and a a high volume air blower is one of the ways to make snow.  Do not ski into one of those machines, the snow is very wet, almost like taking a cold shower.  Of course that is where you could send your over amorous companion.

  4. Aside from the high pressure air guns mentioned by the previous guy, there are also a wide variety of electric snowmaking machines. They are made by several companies, but most operate in the same manner.

    High pressure water is put into the machine through the same means as if it was an air powered gun, but instead of using air pressure to force the "snow" out, the water is sent through a series of electric powered compressors and pipes. It comes out under high pressure through lots of nozzles that are arranged around a giant fan. The fan blows the "snow" on to the ski slope. It usually ends up in a big pile and then the groomers push it around, but some electric guns have setting that allows them to oscillate and spread the snow over a wider pattern. Usually it still will need to be groomed.

  5. It is simple, air and water.  Ski areas with snow making have a  reservoir somewhere for the water.  Usually you Willl find a building with a giant air compressor in the same spot.  If you look on the sides of the slopes on these mountains you will probably see two pipelines next to each other.  One is the water, the other is the air.  Snow makers place the snow guns so many feet apart, usually based on where the hose nozzles are on the pipeline.  You hook each gun up to each, turn on the air line first, and then the water.  The tip of the snow gun is kind of that pinched tip so the air forces the water out in as fine a spray as it can.  The finer the better.  It sprays up into the air, freezes, then falls.  You have to check the snow guns so often because they freeze up, at which point you need to thaw it out with a torch.  At the end of a snow makers shift the groomers wil move it around and create a good, smooth surface.

    The snow made from this method is more like a frozen granular than a good "snow", which is why snow making results in a frozen ice patch more often than not.  It definitely forms ice patches faster than normal normal snow would.

  6. lol you dont make snow and you cant

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