
How do you make someone run out of stamina in tennis?

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what is a good easy fast way to make them get tired? and also help you win the match.




  1. Basically, you have to train your brain to become a magnet. You know how if you have 2 magnets of the same pole together repel? You have the think like that. And you have to do it to the best of your ability. This includes drop shots, lobs, and shots with wide angle. And the idea is to keep the pressure on, so they can't recover.

    Hope it helps =]

  2. There is no immidiate way to ware people out but just try to moon ball, where you hit a lot of balls just in and no matter how hard they hit it back just hit soft easy balls and drop shot is done right you'll ware their *** out in no time

  3. When I am playing, and not that I do it purposely, its just the way I play, but I pretty much keep my opponents on the run most often. Especially in the immense heat, this often tires them out and if I start off slowly, being I am quite energetic and can last for hours and hours on a court, I know that if I hang in there and stay consistent and in the rallys, points, more so than not, I will get the victory. This summer in my Ultimate Tennis League, 3 of my opponents retired due to exhaustion, and I was like, awwww, dont do that, try and finish. They just didnt have any strength to continue. I also somewhat do a "Nadal", and jump up and down inbetween receiving serve to show I am still strong enough to run, and not giving up. All the while still having them run side to side.  I am not a very strong, powerful player, I pretty much have some power, and a bunch of finesse and a tremendous defensive game, but it works for me. Try it yourself. Keep your opponents on the run, dont go for too much too soon, and stay consistent within each point. More so than not, you will eventually get the W.

  4. All you need to do is hit to the right, they run and get it, hit to the left, they run and get it. And continue this until you force the error or they just give up on it. And sometimes if you have them in a lull, hit in the same place you just hit and watch them flail their arms in an attempt to get it back. It's a blast and surprisingly effective!!!

  5. Hit them from side to side with a relativley slow pace, that way they have to generate their own pace and they will have to run hella lot.  Also, you should vary the depth, one ball you should hit deep and then when you get the short ball which you will, you should use the drop shot.  

  6. the longer the points are the more draining a match will be, however just having the points be long, also drains your own energy.  Obviously the best way is to take control of a point, and hit a wide angle in one direction then a wide angle in another direction.

    My favorite way to drain my opponents energy is to use the drop shot, and if they do get it lob them, and if they get the lob hit another drop shot.

    Perfect example

    Assuming that you yourself have some good stamina and are willing outlast your opponent, you can speed up the pace of play.  Everytime on your serve, serve right away and dont give him enough time to recover.

    Good luck

  7. Umm ask Rafa Nadal.  He seems to do it every match haha :-P !!

  8. I would do drop shots and when the are going right hit it left. When your opponent is running right and you hit it left it is hard for him to get the ball.

  9. It's as simple as counting "one, two, three." : ) Hit your shots to the left corner then to the right corner.  Hit drop shot and then hit lobs.  It would be perfect to mix all of these shots.  Another way to make your opponent lose his or her stamina is to mix fast shots and slow shots.

    I have simplied the techniques:

    1. When your opponent is behind the baseline a lot, hit high top spin shots to the baseline and after your opponent returns them then you hit drop shots.  (Hitting cord balls also are great)

    2. When your opponent is on the left side of court you should hit fast baseline shots to the right.  If your opponent is on the baseline you can hit short balls to the right side line.  Vice versa.

    3. When your opponent is at the net, hit lobs.

    4. Mix top spin shots and back spin shots a lot.

    I think these are the four best ways to make someone run out of stamina in tennis.

    Hope they help.  Good luck!  

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