
How do you make someones life h**l?

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I have this 'friend' who is always being a ***** to me, she is always offending me and causing drama. I'm sick of it and she recently insulted my family which was the last straw. I'd really like some advice on how to bring her done, how to make her life not worth living. I know it sounds really evil but this girl, bianca, has slept with my boyfriend and tryed to turn my friends against me, amoung other things she's made my life h**l for no reason. Please I'm desperate, I need tips on how to turn her friends against her and make her life seem like h**l, but I need to do it so no-one knows its me whos ruining her life. PLEASE HELP, I HAVE NO OTHER CHOICES!!




  1. She'll have what's coming to her. then you can sit back and LAUGH.

    Something similiar happned to me too, cept she didnt get anywhere near my boyfriend. She did asked out the guy that I liked before though.

    Now she got her heart broken and her exboyfriend's ***** basicly. And even he realized what a bad person she is.

    People like that, just isn't worth your anger or time, believe me. I been there.

    Think of it this way, she's your tool to find out who's really loyal to you.

    If your boyfriend slept with her, it just shows what kinda person he really is... if she succeeded in turning your friends against you, what kinda friends are they really?

    Look at her as an evil blessing ;]

  2. Okay first of all,think of what might happen if she finds out you've been making her life like h**l?She might retaliate(in my opinion).She's probably jealous of you because you have stuff she wants.

    Tell other people that she talks **** about them(even if it's not true).You could spread nasty rumors about her and use her weaknesses against her.Like tell people she slept with your boyfriend.I don't know.


    DON'T I repeat DON'T do anything because sooner or later she is gonna know from asking other people.What goes around,comes around.Sooner or later,they're gonna do to her,just like she did to you.

  3. make an example of her,

    read up about karma, teach your freinds about it.

    dont do anything, dont lower your self to some one thats that weak an insecure that they feel the need to attack others...cos thats all it is.pity that.

    be strong help her rather than halm her.

    people will admire you for it,an so will she in time

  4. She will have her karma.

    Don't stoop to her level by being the same pathetic idiot that she is.  Anyone is better than that.  Remove her from your life, and live your own.  The best advice I can offer is to show her that her actions don't bother you.  Drive her crazy by displaying complete carelessness.  Don't waste your time the way she wastes hers.  It's your life, and you can control who affects it.

  5. Before you do anything my dear, take a breath ! Now let's be sensible and look at this properly. You don't like mistreatment so why would you put out mistreatment ? If she slept with your boyfriend, then he's not YOUR boyfriend...both are at fault. If these people you call friends are really your friends, then no one can turn them against you...if so, then let them go.How can your family be insulted by someone of this character ? She is an insult to herself and to be pitied ! If you step down to her level and do the same to her...then you aren't any better than her. Rise above all of this and take it as part of life's experiences...and find yourself a new boyfriend,maybe new friends, and I'm sure your family still love's you. Let it go or you will regret it later. Hate breeds hate, and it's never a solution. I really hope you can see how foolish this all would be for you to take part in.It's not worth the effort, really. Take all of that anger energy and do something good with it would be so much more rewarding for you my dear. Please don't fall into this trap ? Good Luck

  6. if i was you the next time she insults me in front of people I would throw a really hard right hook to her face. It may sound violent but are you going to let her keep on talking her bulls***?  

    I didn't read the answers that others had for you but if turning the other cheek is NOT an option here.

    This chick obviously loves to disrespect you. You have to give her a for sure sign that you are not going to allow it to happen and that you are not scared of her. She will eventually get lost.

    There is nothing wrong with letting people know that you wont be treated the way this girl treats you.

  7. Burn her house down.

    Seriously, Don't look @ me like that.

    YEAH; i did it before.

  8. I am not an evil genius and that's kinda complicated. I will like you to play it cool with her for some time before doing these things when she has her mind off you:

    Find a way to isolate her from everybody else so that she has no back up or friends to defend her. Then go there and shower all forms of abuses on her. She will be so ashamed of herself.

    Also, reveal her secrets to the world. Call her a boyfriend snatcher and a s**t and tell every guy to beware of her as she has HIV AIDS. If you can do it in a way that will humiliate her, i am pretty sure she will wanna commit suicide.

    Find the things you know she likes and destroy them. If you can find poison ivy (a plant that makes u scratch), put it in her jacket or clothes she mistakingly leaves lying around.

    If she goes to the toilet, sneak up behind her and plaster a toilet paper with super glue in her ***. Then draw the attention of guys to this.

    The blank word is

    Good luck

  9. You really do not want to know the answer to this one - besides you already have enough ideas to achieve what you are asking permission to do .

    The greatest revenge is to do simply nothing and tell her you feel sorry for her because she is not a very nice person and you do not wish to call her 'friend' anymore - that will give the most hurt of all.

    Hopefully you can find it in your heart later on to forgive her and move on with your life  

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