
How do you make straight As in high school?

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i am in 11th grade and i have a job and 2 extra activites.

i really need advice on how to make straight As easier.

books that will help me in my classes, how to handle the minimum 3 hours of hw every night, and still keep my job.

i also need ACT advice, what are good books that will help me prepare?




  1. Frankly, if you do the 3 hours of homework, you should be fine! Just get all the work done, make sure to study for tests, and ask teachers if you have questions or need extra help. And don't worry too much about straight As. Colleges would rather see less-than-perfect grades in college-prep classes than straight As in easy classes. (In fact, I got in with a 3.6 to several colleges, and my friends with 4.0s didn't even get accepted when I got scholarships). Just do your best!

    Good luck!


    you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

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