
How do you make sweet fried dumplings?

by  |  earlier

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I was in trying to think of something fun and new for to make my 2 year old sun for a different snack. i dont know if i can but does anyknow if it is possible to make dumplings but fried and sweet instead of like in or for a stew. please help me.




  1. These aren't fried but they are sweet.

    Golden syrup dumplings

    Dumpling - 2c SR flour  2 eggs   little milk  45g butter

    Syrup - 2 c water   1/3c sugar  2Tbspn golden syrup

                 30g butter

    sift flour & rub in butter.add eggs and stir with knife to make dough. divide into 12 balls.

    in large saucepan  heat water with sugar and syrup, stirring until sugar dissolves. Add butter and bing to the boil.

    place dumplings in syrup,cover and simmer for 20 mins without lifting the lid.

    serve at once with syrup drizzled over them and a dollap of ice cream/cream

  2. You only need 500 g of wheat flour, 120 g of yellow or white butter, 250 ml of milk, 40 g of yeast, 1 tablespoon of white sugar, 1 teaspoon of rum, two yolks of egg, a little bit of lemon peel and 1/4 teaspoon of salt.

    The process is as follows. First you mix very well the yeast and the sugar until it becomes a paste. Then put in the butter, egg yolk, rum, lemon peel and milk, one at a time, and mix thoroughly. Lastly, mix the flour. Wait for another 20 minutes to let the dough rise. Stretch the dough out using a rolling pin and make it about 2 cm thick. Then cut out the doughnut shapes by a round glass. Wait for another 20 minutes to let them rise further and they are ready for frying in oil. If it's cold in the kitchen the dough will not rise, so please put the dough in a warm place.

  3. Hello!

    I lvoe dumplings! especially sweet and fried dumplings!

    The way we make it in my family is we stuff the dough with some sweet nuts & raisins... It's delicious!


    ===For the dough===

    1/2 kg plain wheat flour

    75 g ghee (for cooking)

    100 ml full cream milk

    100 ml water

    ===For the stuffing===

    1/2 kg reduced sweet dried milk

    300 g sugar

    100 g chirongi nuts (type of nuts)

    100 g raisins

    15 g cardamom powder

    1 liter ghee (for cooking)

    50 ml water, for, sealing, the, dumpling


    1-For the dough: Take the flour, ghee, milk and water in a pot.

    2-Knead the mixture until it becomes thick.

    3-After kneading, make small dumplings out of the dough (approx. 50 pcs.).

    4-Keep aside for atleast 30 minutes.

    5-For the stuffing: Mix all the ingredients mentioned for the stuffing and then rub the mixture by hand by using the palm of your hands.

    6-Take the dough dumplings one by one and flatten them on a flat surface by using a roller.

    7-Roll out to approximately 4 inches in diameter.

    8-Place a soup spoon full of mixture on top of each flat dough surface and fold the flattened dough into a half-moon shape.

    9-Press from all corners to seal by dipping your fingers in water and pressing the corners.

    10-Method for cooking: Take a deep frying pan.

    11-Put ghee and allow it to heat till smoking point.

    12-Deep fry each dumpling till golden brown, remove and place on a kitchen towel to drain the oil.

    13-Allow to cool.

    14-Assemble the whole portion of fried dumplings.

    15-Put on a large platter and serve.



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