
How do you make the cobra string pattern?

by Guest60041  |  earlier

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i wanna make a bracelet and i want to use that pattern do you know any website or other teqniques

help :]




  1. I didn't know what you meant till i look it up and it is a square knot that what it looks like to me when i look up the pattern

    here is a better ex...

    1."You will need to cut 2 40"lengths each of 2 colors and four 18"lengths of an other color

    2. Tie together and tape down with 2 colors on one side 2 colors on the other side and 4 colors in middle so if you chose Purple,Green and Yellow it would go 2purple,4green&2yellow also remember to tape down the 4 middle colors so the knot is straight.

    3. Make square knots using double outside threads (remember to tie twice) each knot should lie tightly against the previous knot

    4. Repeat knots untill bracelet is long enogh for you"

    Also i got all the info from a book called Cool stuff friendship bracelets by:Carolyn Yates

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