I got it yesterday, scratched the living h**l out of it and pressed the little X mark you do with your nails to re-distribute something?I don't know exactly what it's for, but hey, its tradition.
Basically, it got swollen and the original part of the bite is kinda slightly like bare skin [0.5 layer of skin ripped off, lol, think of a tiny scrape] on a tiny little part.
But it's swollen ish, and hot.
My mom put some cream for bug bites on it, and an ice cold, damp cloth on my arm which she's gonna replace every now and then..
Any more tips? -drinking lots of water cause that seems to be the answer to everything-
Oh, and for anyone out there who might want to tell me it's not a mosquito bite.. [cause i might believe you..]
I live in North Carolina, it's been humid a lot and raining lately [charlotte], I cant stay inside because of school, andd it's happened a couple times before but they were on my legs when I went to a forest
I think it's a mosquito bite? but it could be some other species of flying insect thing, help?