
How do you make the volleyball team?

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eek; plz heyulp=]




  1. for one practs everyday and make sure u keep ur legs bent cuz there are these girls onmy vollyball team and they dont bend there knees and i get so pissed cuz then the coach will be like she knows what shes doin

  2. well practise before tryouts help, umm and really listen to the coaches, and make sure you watch the veteran player and they'll do what your supposed to be and then you'll know what your doing just have funny and don't be a prick and be a team player good luck

  3. Hi -

    Don't be nervous. At the school I help coach at, tryouts are pretty laid back. Generally we start with some warming up and then do drills. The drills will focus on different skills (passing, setting, hitting, serving). This will give the coach a good idea of where you are at. The drills will be repetative, so they may have two people partnered up. One throws the ball to the other and the other passes it back. After 5 minutes they switch. For serving, everyone divides up into 2 sides and serves at each other - balls flying everywhere - the coach then watches the form and results of individuals. For hitting, it is usually a line. You get a turn then go to the back of the line.

    Then there may also be some playing - maybe not 6 on 6, but smaller groups, so we can see how you interact with the other players.

    To prepare, I would do a little research on the rules so you have an idea of what you are doing. Also, how much you've played and what your skills are will make a difference - the more practice beforehand the better. But having solid fundamentals is important - so make sure you practice with people who know how to play. There is a saying - "you can't teach height" - so the taller you are the bigger your advantage will be.

    At the freshman level, the coach is looking for potential - someone who can learn and become good. Being in good shape, listening to the coach, and having a good attitude will go along way.

    Good Luck

  4. practice:

    serving (overhand)





    a good sport

  5. You have to show you are in great shape, be willing to work extra hard, be willing to take orders when ordered, be able to listen when your coach is talking. Make sure you do your best to jump high when they do the measurement to see if you would be a good blocker. Make sure you know the rules, know the moves, know how to block, set, spike, serve, dive, roll and do everything you are supposed to. Know the positions and each rule that goes with them. Be a good team player, help other players who are having trouble, be a good sport even when you didn't do as good as you had hoped. Get along with everyone, smile sincerely.

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