
How do you make time fly bye?

by Guest33720  |  earlier

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I am in the seventh grade and im homeschooled and i am going to a public school in the 8th grade and I cant wait!! (i know the only person who is excited about school)and i need time fly bye untill then!! HELP ME!! (I know this is probably in the wrong category i just didn't know where it should go!!)





  1. Have fun! Its the best way to make time go by.

    Till you can go to public school, make the best of your time, reading is always a good way to find new places and explore different cultures...etc.

    But the most important part is to enjoy what you have... while you have it.

    Before you know it... it'll all be gone.

    God Bless you too!

  2. Get busy with your homeschool work and study hard, enjoy your last year of homeschooling and just try to get the most out of it as you can.  Enjoy what you have in the present and experience it in all its fullness.  Don't focus too much on the past that you can't change or the future that isn't guaranteed to anyone.

  3. You know, when you're 50, you won't want time to fly by so quickly. ;)

    This grade 7 year of yours is to be cherished. Don't dismiss it like it's not important and the only thing that is important is entering gr. 8. Make the most of it! Don't waste this time. You'll never, ever get it back. Focus on the now, not on the future.

  4. The MORE you Ignore Time- the FASTER it goes. So try to find something you REALLY like to do (& wish it wouldn't be "over" so fast)- and DO IT. The NEXT thing you know- you'll be sitting in that 8th Grade Class & thinking, "Geez- this is so BORING..."- JUST like ALL the other kids!!!  :)

  5. Not sure what your into or what, but you need a hobby.   You know like model airplanes, musical instrument, whatever.  Time will fly if you really get into it.  Good Luck....Or you could just surf the internet all day long.  Ha

  6. Keep yourself busy.  I've found that's the best way to make time go quickly.

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