
How do you make up with a Chinese gf that is REALLY mad?

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I pinched her rear in front of her old country aunt who is sort of her guardian....The aunt took her home and blamed her. Slapped her in front of her cousins and 3 year old daughter. This woman is 32!

She's so furious with me she can barely talk.

Any ideas how to make this up to her?




  1. Mr. Hex is right. That was completely inappropriate behavior in front of her family, particularly when she is your gf's "guardian", as you said. It doesn't matter how old she is, this is a culture of respect. Besides, there are American parents even who would frown on a bf pinching their daughter's rear in front of them. It shows that you have no respect for them or for their daughter. It's fine if she is okay with it and you do it in private, but otherwise, it's a big no-no. You shouldn't go past holding hands in front of her family. What you have to do now is explain that you made a bad mistake in front of her family and her and apologize. Make sure you say in your apology that you are sorry to have disrespected them. Then tell them how important your gf is to you, that you don't want to lose her to something like this, and that you would do anything to make up for this (if in fact you are). Maybe you can bring a gift or offer to take them out to dinner. After that, it's up to them. From the sounds of it, your gf is in a more traditional family, which means that the approval of her aunt will be critical for her to continue dating you. However, getting her to forgive you will be a good first step. In the meantime, it would be good to try to understand the culture more if you want to continue dating Chinese girls.

  2. flowers, chocolate, jewlery, earrings etc..

    telling her how beautiful she is and apologizing over and over again works too.

    good luck!

  3. yes,  you definatley offended  the  family  nd  culture.  The  apology  to  all  concerned  is the best thing.  If  you decide to  take  a gift.  take  fruit. This  will  not  appear  as you are trying  to  buy  thier  forgiveness.

    A word  of advice.  When in public, tratthe woman  as a friend.  Any show  of  affection may make her  look  bad.  It  will  also make  oyur country look bad.  As foerigners here.  we  are  all ambassadors of our country.   You can be lovers   behind closed doors.  

  4. I wouldnt bother, dump her and find a new one, a 32 year old with a guardian, ridiculous.

  5. Uhh, the way you make up with any other type of girlfriend.  Just because she's Chinese doesn't mean she's a different species.  Maybe, that was your first mistake.  

  6. uhm . she`s Chinese? that would be hard .. my whole school is full of chinese people and everytime they get caught with a boyfriend theyre parents would make them breakup . and since you said "a Chinese gf" ... so your not chinese right? if your not, just to tell you, chinese parents hate thier kids dating out of race .

  7. You made her lose face in front of her family, by the sounds of it her family are very traditional.

    If you want to make it up to her girlfriend, then you have to apologise to her aunt in front of your girlfriend and then to your girlfriend in front of her aunt and family for your behaviour. Then you will have to wait to see if she calms down.

    Don't assume that because you can get away with going something with your girlfriend in private you can do it in front of her family....

    Such an action can be viewed by her family that she has basically no respect for herself and that she has cheapen herself by letting you do such an action.

  8. Gold usually works.  Flowers are always a standby.  You should also explain that you will not do it again.  The ladies have enough trouble being trashed talked for being with a foreigner than to have you being demonstrative any place but in private.  I don't know if you speak the language at all?? but if you do, you know that many times the girls are heavily insulted for being with a man that is from out side their race.  Its already tough on her.  Don't make it worse.

  9. don't bother. she doesn't deserve someone as disrespectful as you.

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