
How do you make your Nursery class child do his H.W?

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im in India and unfortunately all schools..pre schools here give h.w. it sux i agree . but my kids wont do it .. and they are really bright .

if anyone can help .. i'l appreciate!




  1. Can you speak with the teacher? Usually this homework is not that much and is given just to help build responsibility  

  2. I would not.  I do not believe in homework, other than completing assignments not finished in school and general studying, for any child much less one that young!  I would be having a talk with the teacher about the need for children to have time for free play and exploration, family time, etc.  Formal learning is unnatural at that age, but can be beneficial if done right.  It would NOT include homework, though.

    Find a play-based educational daycare.

  3. Chocolate is the best therapy that can work against children

  4. its difficult but try to sit with your kid,tell him you would reward him after the work is over just a dairymilk or some chocolate

    sitting with them helps a lot.i have a 5yr old son,he does his home work by himself and brings it for my perusal,some days i need to sit near him,encourage the child,and dont show panic which will only make things bitter

  5. hmmm...that's tough.  i agree with the first poster that homework at taht age is pointless.  but that is what your culture does, so it must be dealt with (believe me, as a teacher there's plenty in the american school system i'd like to change as well!).  what kidn of homeowrk is it?  i teach elementary special needs children...many of them function WAY below nursery school age, so maybe i can help think of some ideas to make it fun, and not seem so much like homework!  feel free to send me a message!

  6. i completely agree with BraxOwl! Unfortunately, here in India, kids don't have such a good time!

    When our son was that age, we tried making everything into a small game for him, to make it more interesting.

    Relate alphabets and number shapes various objects and animals. Then make little stories of the assignment, related to the alphabets or numbers to be written.

    Preferably tackle the HW before the child goes to play in the evening. They are more fussy when tired.

    When you feel that they are getting irritable or losing interest, close the books, take a change of place and activity and return after some time.

    Lots of encouragement and lavish praises!

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