
How do you make your computer run faster?

by  |  earlier

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my computer is so SLOW!!!




  1. You Need sufficient amount of Ram, a good processor, and the good speed of your CPU, that's important. the faster the speed, the more data it processes.... first free up disk space by using disk cleanup, then you wanna Speed up access to data (Disk defrag)

    after that you can tell the computer to repair and detect hard drive errors, Right click on C: Drive, go to properties, and click on the "tools" tab, under there click the button "Check now" and it can check the hard drive for errors....and you also want protect your Computer from bad spyware, Just use AVG, Avast, Spybot, any of those..

    good luck

  2. Without buying a new computer or putting a new motherboard there are a few things you can try.

    1) Look at what you have on your hard disk, usually designated C: or D: drive. The more you have the longer it takes your computer to find files. If you have a lot of photos, music, video, or games that take up a lot of space. look at putting them on a memory stick or an external hard drive.

    2) Look at what you have on your desktop. Too much on your desktop can cause your computer to run slow. Delete the icons that you do not need and that you have access to through your start menu.

    3) Close down programs running on your task bar and quick lunch bar that are not needed. Do not close down your firewall or anti-virus.

    4) Check your timings on programs. Are you have them look for automatic updates? If so, either download the updates yourself or schedule them to look once a day.

    5) Run disk clean from Start>Accessories>System Tools>Disk Clean

    6) Run Scan Disk about once a month: Right click your hard drive, select properties, selct tools, error checking, and check both boxes. you should receive a message telling you it cannot be completed now and it will be ran once the computer is restarted.

    7) Run Disk Defragmentor on some computers it is by scan disk or can be accessed by Start>Accessories>System Tools>Disk Defragmentor

    8) Clear your browser's cache, set history to 1 day, and size of cache to something small like 8 mb.

    9) Run an anti-virus scan of your computer

    10) Run a spyware scan of computer using Spybot or another spyware tool that is not a part of an anti-virus package. Typically those programs only pick up the more malicious spyware and not every type of spyware.

  3. Keep it properly maintained by removing all the old c**p you dont need and defragmenting the hard drive. Also, upgrade you hardware.

  4. replace ur processor and add more memory. in ur case seems like u need more memory!  

  5. dony you just hate those really detailed answers you dont understand?

    well here's an easy one: OVERCLOCK YOUR COMPUTER! (about a month over)

  6. Have you tried mounting it to a skatboard

  7. More RAM!  More RAM!  More RAM!

    See if your CPU is RAM-upgradable.

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