
How do you make your nails grow faster?

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I have a friend that is constantly biting her nails, she is ready to quit the habit and wants some suggestions. (I am her go-to gal)




  1. Drink lots of milk and eat lots of cheese anything with calcium in :D

  2. Well, the only advice i can give, is dont bite them anymore. Not even once.

  3. some people say to take prenatal vitamins they sell them at the drug store ! ask your dr

  4. Nails are hard,  but they still absorb a lot of water.    If your friend is in the pool a lot,  they will get longer quicker.

  5. use Vaseline hand and nail care lotion or u can use also garlic paste on your nails ones a day and stop cutting nail  

  6. Omg! this is so me lol i have been biting my nails since i was like 10 and now i'm 15 its a habit i can't get rid of its even been my new year resolution for the last 3 years haha and i've tried too stop i think i stopped for like 6 days once then just started biting them again its just a habit i do it when i'm bored you should tell her some tips like put something horrible on her hands so she wont be tempted to bite them or wear fake nails until she learns to stop biting them, they help! or everytime she goes to bite them clap her hands lol! hope this helps :)

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